Drawing Shortcuts: Developing Quick Drawing Skills Using Today'S Technology, Second Edition 9780470435489 umd mobi chm 夸克云 免费 azw3 下载 pdf

Drawing Shortcuts: Developing Quick Drawing Skills Using Today'S Technology, Second Edition 9780470435489电子书下载地址
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The updated edition of a contemporary approach to merging
traditional hand drawing methods with 2-dimensional and
3-dimensional digital visualization tools.
Jim Leggitt's Drawing Shortcuts shows how communicating with hand
drawings combined with digital technology can be ingeniously
simple, and this new edition makes an already popular technique
even better. Completely expanded with new chapters and a wealth of
supporting images, this Second Edition presents practical
techniques for improving drawing efficiency and effectiveness by
combining traditional hand drawing methods with the latest digital
technology, including 3-D modeling with SketchUp. This books
step-by-step approach will sharpen and streamline your techniques
whether you draw for pleasure, school or your design
Easy-to-follow instructions cover every aspect from the basics of
drawing such as composition, color, shading, hatching, and
perspective up to the most current technologies
Incorporates Google SketchUp, Google Earth, computer generated
renderings, digital scanners and printers
Features new visuals from accomplished drawing experts
Special new Gallery section highlights the creative process with
step-by-step examples of drawings
Complete coverage of the Overlay and Trace Method, Simple
Composite Method, Advanced Composite Method, and Digital Hybrid
New matrices show alternative drawing techniques for specific
visual effects such as Linework and Shading, Selecting the Right
Views, Perspectives and Paraline Drawings, Drawing Detail, Camera
Lenses, and Drawing Tools
Generously enriched with detailed process drawings, examples, and
more than 500 full-color images, Drawing Shortcuts, Second Edition
will have you creating top-quality drawings faster and more
Jim Leggitt, FAIA, is an architect, urban planner, and professional illustrator who has been practicing for over thirty years. Jim offers drawing workshops and is a frequent speaker at universities and national, regional, and local events where he has taught over 5,000 architects, designers, and students.
This book is about putting your design ideas on paper for others to enjoy. Recent developments in computer rendering technology have put amazing new tools in the hands of designers. But for communicating emotion and character, there is simply no replacement for good old-fashioned hand drawing. Jim Leggitt's Drawing Shortcuts gives you an ingeniously simple drawing approach that joins traditional hand-drawing techniques with the latest 2-D and 3-D digital technology.
In this new edition of his popular book, architect and teacher Jim Leggitt, FAIA, introduces you to the fundamentals of drawing—such as drawing types, media options, composition, color, shading, hatching, and perspective—and then explains how to incorporate the most current digital technologies into your work.
"Architect, Urban Planner, and professional illustrator Jim Leggitt brings the information he teaches in his drawing workshops to the pages of this colorful text. A second edition of a 2002 book, this version has been revised to integrate "today's technology," specifically in the form of Google Sketchup, presenting a drawing approach that merges hand-drawing techniques with digital technology." --Landscape Architecture
"Drawing Shortcuts, Second Edition, is a timely reference tool at a time when technology - for all its advantages – has contributed to an increased atrophy of freehand drawing skills among design students and professionals." --ChicagoArchitectureToday.com
"Written for students and professionals in the building and landscaping arts, Drawing Shortcuts has numerous tips that will help today's busy professional speed up the drawing process without sacrificing creativity. Author Jim Leggit's processes combine computer technology with the more emotion-based, traditional, hand techniques to produce work worthy for presentations. Rather than take years to learn the shortcuts, this book allows readers to quickly stimulate spaces that tell a story."
–-San Francisco Book Review
The updated edition of a contemporary approach to merging traditional hand drawing methods with 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional digital visualization tools. Jim Leggitts "Drawing Shortcuts" shows how communicating with hand drawings combined with digital technology can be ingeniously simple, and this new edition makes an already popular technique even better. Completely expanded with new chapters and a wealth of supporting images, this Second Edition presents practical techniques for improving drawing efficiency and effectiveness by combining traditional hand drawing methods with the latest digital technology, including 3-D modeling with SketchUp. This books step-by-step approach will sharpen and streamline your techniques whether you draw for pleasure, school or your design profession. UL Easy-to-follow instructions cover every aspect from the basics of drawingasuch as composition, color, shading, hatching, and perspectiveaup to the most current technologies Incorporates Google SketchUp, Google Earth, computer generated renderings, digital scanners and printers Features new visuals from accomplished drawing experts Special new Gallery section highlights the creative process with step-by-step examples of drawings Complete coverage of the Overlay and Trace Method, Simple Composite Method, Advanced Composite Method, and Digital Hybrid Drawings New matrices show alternative drawing techniques for specific visual effects such as Linework and Shading, Selecting the Right Views, Perspectives and Paraline Drawings, Drawing Detail, Camera Lenses, and Drawing Tools/UL Generously enriched with detailed process drawings, examples, and more than 500 full-color images, "Drawing Shortcuts, Second Edition" will have you creating top-quality drawings faster and more effectively.
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