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Over eighty percent of Americans above the age of five own a cell phone, most with digital cameras built in, and bundled with an e-mail service specifically designed for sending those captured moments to friends and family. These consumer applications are just simple examples of mobility being built into everyday products to create tremendous new value. From a business perspective, a new technology can introduce radical changes—changes so dramatic that they fundamentally change the nature of the business, the nature of the product, and the reasons why customers buy the product. When this happens, the rules of competition change. It is happening now: the Age of Mobility is upon us. How will it impact you and your business in the months and years to come?
The Power of Mobility shows you how to look forward, envision the Power of Mobility in your business, and implement the steps required to turn vision into reality.?Russell McGuire, one of the telecom industry's leading strategists, details the specific actions you must take to deliver the tremendous value that mobility adds—and win customers' hearts and wallets. He presents a powerful framework for capturing the Power of Mobility: the Seven Steps. If you can Digitize, Connect, Evaluate, Limit, Position, Protect, and Learn, you will capture the Power of Mobility in your products, your services, and your processes. He further clarifies the power of the Seven Steps with illustrative case studies of seven companies that have successfully implemented this framework and redefined the rules of competition in their industries.
The Mobility Age represents a great opportunity for businesses large and small to capture the Power of Mobility in order to create competitive differentiation and to take market share. Stories of businesses that have been crushed by the competition because they have denied the changes brought by technologies in the past will likely be repeated. You have a choice. You can wait for a competitor to lead and define the rules to his benefit and your demise. Or you can lead and set the rules—if you capture The Power of Mobility now.
作者简介:Russell McGuire, Director of Strategy for Sprint, is responsible for developing the strategic vision and competitive strategies for the $40 billion+ telecommunications giant. His experience includes twenty years in the telecom industry plus experience in the defense and nuclear power industries. Prior to joining Sprint, Mr. McGuire was chief strategy officer for TeleChoice, a leading business strategy consultancy solely focused on innovative telecom market opportunities. He has also been a regular columnist for Network World, Business Reform, and Success magazines.
Part 1 The Mobility Age
Chapter 1 Technology Sets the Stage
Chapter 2 Redefining Communications
Chapter 3 The Law of Mobility Signals Transformation
Chapter 4 What Power?
Part 2 Seven Steps to the Power of Mobility
Chapter 5 Introducing the Seven Steps
Chapter 6 Digitize
Chapter 7 Connect
Chapter 8 Evaluate
Chapter 9 Limit
Chapter 10 Position
Chapter 11 Protect
Chapter 12 Learn
Chapter 13 Go Capture the Power
"Mobility is the next technology force that is redefining how businesses operate. Going forward, the winners will be 'anywhere enterprises' that learn how to combine the Power of Mobility with broadband connectivity to create competitive advantage. Russell's book lays out a straightforward road map for how to do just that."
-Berge Ayvazian, Chief Strategy Officer
Yankee Group
"Our experience has proved that integrating the mobility of our services into the lives of students creates tremendous opportunities and new value. The ideas presented in this book will serve organizations and businesses of all types well as they explore the innovative growth that can come with the Power of Mobility."
-Dr. Karen Pennington, Vice President
Student Development and Campus Life, Montclair State University
"For many professionals, the workplace is no longer a 'place,' and the work day is no longer a 'day.' The Power of Mobility shows us that companies that recognize this fundamental shift are in the best position to take advantage of mobility to increase business agility, transform the way they serve customers, and enable exciting new business models."
-Don Proctor, Senior Vice President
Collaboration Software Group, Cisco
"What businesses need is a plain English explanation of the new values and disciplines of the Mobility Age. In The Power of Mobility, Russell McGuire provides that clear guidance without the 'technospeak.'"
-Clint Parr, Chief Executive Officer and President
Anyware Mobile Solutions
"Companies that figure out how to keep employees connected and leverage context have the opportunity to outperform their peers in the marketplace. The Power of Mobility explains what this all means in simple terms, describes how companies can build mobility into their businesses, and provides helpful examples for those wanting to gain competitive advantage."
-H.P. Jin, PhD, Chief Executive Officer & President
TeleNav Inc.
"The Power of Mobility prepares you, in a step-by-step fashion, to interpret the opportunity presented by mobility into your firm's environment."
-Danny Briere, Chief Executive Officer
Praise For The Power of Mobility How Your Business Can Compete and Win in the Next Technology Revolution "Mobility is the next technology force that is redefining how businesses operate. Going forward, the winners will be 'anywhere enterprises' that learn how to combine the Power of Mobility with broadband connectivity to create competitive advantage. Russell's book lays out a straightforward road map for how to do just that."
-Berge Ayvazian, Chief Strategy Officer
Yankee Group "Our experience has proved that integrating the mobility of our services into the lives of students creates tremendous opportunities and new value. The ideas presented in this book will serve organizations and businesses of all types well as they explore the innovative growth that can come with the Power of Mobility."
-Dr. Karen Pennington, Vice President
Student Development and Campus Life, Montclair State University "For many professionals, the workplace is no longer a 'place,' and the work day is no longer a 'day.' The Power of Mobility shows us that companies that recognize this fundamental shift are in the best position to take advantage of mobility to increase business agility, transform the way they serve customers, and enable exciting new business models."
-Don Proctor, Senior Vice President
Collaboration Software Group, Cisco "What businesses need is a plain English explanation of the new values and disciplines of the Mobility Age. In The Power of Mobility, Russell McGuire provides that clear guidance without the 'technospeak.'"
-Clint Parr, Chief Executive Officer and President
Anyware Mobile Solutions "Companies that figure out how to keep employees connected and leverage context have the opportunity to outperform their peers in the marketplace. The Power of Mobility explains what this all means in simple terms, describes how companies can build mobility into their businesses, and provides helpful examples for those wanting to gain competitive advantage."
-H.P. Jin, PhD, Chief Executive Officer & President
TeleNav Inc. "The Power of Mobility prepares you, in a step-by-step fashion, to interpret the opportunity presented by mobility into your firm's environment."
-Danny Briere, Chief Executive Officer
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