Desperate House Lies umd mobi chm 夸克云 免费 azw3 下载 pdf

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Affair-Proof Your Marriage
Think it couldn’t happen to you? Most women never make a conscious choice to have an affair, yet it happens to even the most active Christians. How? Why? This book takes a look at the series of seemingly harmless choices that can lead you straight down that dangerous, dead-end path. Desperate House Lies exposes eight common myths, including: he’s just my friend so it’s harmless , and my husband doesn’t understand me; I deserve someone better . Personal stories of women who have slipped in their own marriages and want to help you avoid the same devastation, combined with practical, realistic guidance, will equip you to protect your God-ordained union now and for all time.
Think you’re not the cheating kind? Convinced it could never happen to you?
Most women never consciously decide to cheat, yet it can happen to even the most dedicated wife. How? Why?
A series of seemingly harmless choices will lead you straight down that dangerous, dead-end path. Desperate House Lies exposes common myths that can fool even the most devoted wife:
* Flirting with other men is harmless
* Sexual freedom is good for women
* Sexual temptation will go away once I’m married
* My husband doesn’t understand me; I deserve someone who does
* This other man is just my friend
* My coworker is more exciting than my husband
* No one will ever know; I can always go back
Learn from these true stories of women who’ve made mistakes that it’s never too early to protect your marriage…and never too late to give up.
“We highly recommend that every woman read Desperate House Lies . This book could be a breakthrough for your marriage. We have never read a better book on the topic; we couldn’t put it down!”
Dr. Gary and Barbara Rosberg,
nationally syndicated radio show co-hosts, America’s Family Coaches , and authors of Divorce-Proof Your Marriage
“This book is a must-read for anyone hearing a deceptive whisper, ‘It’s okay to cross the line.’”
Pam Vredevelt, LPC
bestselling author of The Power of Letting Go and The Wounded Woman
Story Behind the Book
An alarming number of Christian women are cheating on their husbands today, having never intended to do so. The consequences of these affairs are ugly and devastating. This book was written to bring a needed voice to a hush-hush topic. Readers will find the initiative to fight mental, emotional, and physical temptation so that their marriages, which are ordained by God, will stand strong and protected. Women will become aware of the subtle progression from friendship to emotional dependency to a forbidden relationship, while also becoming equipped to set up protective boundaries in their lives.
Affair-Proof Your Marriage
Think it couldn’t happen to you? Most women never make a conscious choice to have an affair, yet it happens to even the most active Christians. How? Why? This book takes a look at the series of seemingly harmless choices that can lead you straight down that dangerous, dead-end path. Desperate House Lies exposes eight common myths, including: he’s just my friend so it’s harmless , and my husband doesn’t understand me; I deserve someone better . Personal stories of women who have slipped in their own marriages and want to help you avoid the same devastation, combined with practical, realistic guidance, will equip you to protect your God-ordained union now and for all time.
Think you’re not the cheating kind? Convinced it could never happen to you?
Most women never consciously decide to cheat, yet it can happen to even the most dedicated wife. How? Why?
A series of seemingly harmless choices will lead you straight down that dangerous, dead-end path. Desperate House Lies exposes common myths that can fool even the most devoted wife:
* Flirting with other men is harmless
* Sexual freedom is good for women
* Sexual temptation will go away once I’m married
* My husband doesn’t understand me; I deserve someone who does
* This other man is just my friend
* My coworker is more exciting than my husband
* No one will ever know; I can always go back
Learn from these true stories of women who’ve made mistakes that it’s never too early to protect your marriage…and never too late to give up.
“We highly recommend that every woman read Desperate House Lies . This book could be a breakthrough for your marriage. We have never read a better book on the topic; we couldn’t put it down!”
Dr. Gary and Barbara Rosberg,
nationally syndicated radio show co-hosts, America’s Family Coaches , and authors of Divorce-Proof Your Marriage
“This book is a must-read for anyone hearing a deceptive whisper, ‘It’s okay to cross the line.’”
Pam Vredevelt, LPC
bestselling author of The Power of Letting Go and The Wounded Woman
Story Behind the Book
An alarming number of Christian women are cheating on their husbands today, having never intended to do so. The consequences of these affairs are ugly and devastating. This book was written to bring a needed voice to a hush-hush topic. Readers will find the initiative to fight mental, emotional, and physical temptation so that their marriages, which are ordained by God, will stand strong and protected. Women will become aware of the subtle progression from friendship to emotional dependency to a forbidden relationship, while also becoming equipped to set up protective boundaries in their lives.
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